By Dana Joy

Burke County Voice

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Prepared by:  Dana Joy

Burkemont Precinct Chair

Burke County, NC

The Opioid Epidemic Reality

Article #7 • March 30, 2018

This week our special guest speaker was The Honorable Clifton H. Smith, a district court judge for the 25th Judicial District, which presides over BurkeCaldwell, and Catawba counties of North Carolina. He was appointed to the court by Governor Pat McCrory on March 11, 2014, and was elected to the 25th Judicial District in 2014, winning a full term that expires on December 31, 2018.

Judge Smith was quite detailed in helping our group understand the breakdown of felony and misdemeanor crimes and the level of punishment they bring in our current legal system of offenses, specifically in relation to opioid crimes. He provided some written statistical information that we were all able to follow with clarity. As he went through the stats, he expressed his concerns not only from a legal standpoint, but from an emotional and spiritual standpoint as well, as he detailed the very difficult rulings he must lay down to enforce the law every time someone stands before him in his courtroom who is guilty of this sad and seemingly ongoing saga of opioid addiction and its ramifications in relation to drug-related crimes.  

So many dire cases appear before him daily, and sadly many of these drug related cases tragically end up in overdose deaths. Clearly, a judge needs an incredible amount of wisdom as they face daily challenges to fulfill their duties while upholding the law.

When it came to the topic of our children, Judge Smith said: “There is an extreme shortage of foster parents in this area. Sadly, you can’t take everyone’s child if one of the parents are on drugs, but you can try and place them with the other parent or family member who is not taking drugs or addicted, but only if they are willing to care for that child or children.”  He could not help but to get emotional while speaking especially of our children when they become the victim of an addicted family.

Judge Smith takes his position very seriously. We are so extremely blessed to have such a Godly man in our judicial system right here in Burke County. You can rest assured that Judge Smith rules with integrity, compassion and righteousness.

Dana Joy can be reached at:  •