By Dana Joy

Burke County Voice

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Prepared by:  Dana Joy

Burkemont Precinct Chair

Burke County, NC


Article #1  •   February 16, 2018

The opioid epidemic is out of control. In fact, North Carolina, along with many other states across our great land, is now in an opioid crisis. Here are some facts: Opioid related overdose deaths have increased by over 800% since 1999! In Burke County alone, there are more opioid prescriptions distributed than people! Since 2006 the numbers have dramatically been on the rise! Burke County ranks the highest prescriptions per person with-in the Unifour area (Burke, Catawba, Caldwell & Alexander counties). The majority of overdoses are traced back to those individuals who have received these drugs from a prescription! Adding insult to injury is another fact which is that the opioid crisis has now affected an alarming number of children. According to the Burke County Dept. Of Social Services, many of the children that have come into foster care have tested positive for opioids. In 2017, 163 children were tested for these drugs and 99 of them were toddlers 3 years old or younger! If you are not convinced by these shocking findings that we are in an opioid crisis, then listen further.

Some of the manufacturers and distributers of these opioids have shares in the opioid drug market in the billions! Earlier this month, Burke County, along with other counties across the U.S. have filed a lawsuit against many of the manufacturers and distributors of these pain killers for misleading the medical industry as well as the public by professing that these pain killers were non-addictive and safe. Furthermore, the lawsuit also claims that these manufacturers and distributors were negligent, misrepresenting, fraudulent and more and that they “aggressively pushed highly addictive, dangerous opioids, falsely representing to doctors”.

So, what are we doing on a local and state government level? Besides the pending lawsuit which was filed with the federal court last week, Burke County has been unrelenting in staying informed, updated and closely monitoring all issues dealing with this epidemic. We have joined forces with our highest government officials to help develop and put in place the plans that have been constructed and targeted to stopping this crisis and reversing this curse of drug addiction in our country all together.  We proudly support District Attorney David Learner who has a deep passion to stop this abuse of opioids which has affected not only our health departments, medical communities and taxpayers but has sadly resulted in the breakdown and destruction of our family unit. He reported to us just recently that there is now a “great reduction” in meth labs in our state.  Attorney Learner has been relentless in successfully investigating and focusing on keeping Burke County safe by working closely with our fantastic public safety men and women and enforcing the laws to protect the citizens of our great county.  

And now, what can YOU do?  We want to hear from you, our friends, family and neighbors; your concerns and comments. We would ask that you stay connected with us so that we may address your issues with all our government representatives, including Washington. Be watchful and alert in your neighborhoods and business districts and if you see any suspicion of drug activity,  be sure and report it to our local public safety officials. Let’s keep our beautiful Burke County free and safe from any illegal and deadly drug activity!

Early voting opens April 19, 2018 through May 5, 2018. Keep District Attorney David Learner in office here in Burke County as he continues his remarkable efforts to liberate our towns from drug deals, opioid overdoses and taxpayer burdens resulting from this sad and costly epidemic.  Let’s support our public safety officers and EMS response teams who have devoted their time, lives and careers and the DSS who have stood in the gap for our foster kids who so desperately need to live in safe and drug free environments. And most importantly, pray for those addicted to be set free, for our government officials to remain strong and vigilant and for unity and solidarity across our beautiful nation!

References: The News Herald; February 4, 2018  •  NC Opioid Action Plan 2017-2021

Dana Joy can be reached at: