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Page 6 - Burke County Voice

Burke County Voice
Created by Dana Joy
“If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
 2 Chronicles 7:14

"....this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."     Abraham Lincoln  •  November 19, 1863
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Lt Governor, Mark Robinson
for Governor 2024
"Today we make it official, I am running for Governor of North Carolina!" were the words echoed loudly in his microphone at Ace Speedway in Alamance County on Saturday, April 22, 2023, in front of hundreds of supporters under a wet canopy of rain and storm clouds as the crowds cheered in excitement for Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson's long awaited announcement, in hopes of a 2024 win! The Lt. Governor highlighted with an authoritative stance a few of his goals for all North Carolinians which included improving our economy, raising more support for our teachers and fighting for our freedoms which will ultimately build a North Carolina "... that we can be proud of".  The Greensboro, NC naitive spoke encouraging words to our weary and struggling families as he addressed our current education system when he said..."parents and students are doing incredible work in this state.....the vast majority of our parents, teachers and students have nothing to do with our failing educationalsystem..."  Lt. Governor Robinson is first and foremost a man of God and takes his life's walk of faith extremely seriously. Suffering the loss of his father when only in the 5th grade, he uttered the precious words of his mother who told him ..."with strength and perserverance, faith and hard work you can do anything!" Some comments from the crown uttered sweet sentiments of joy as one woman said "He is one of us...he's been poor and he's built himself up and thats what I like about Mark Robinson". I agree there is much to like about Mark Robinson! One thing he said which stood out to me, was..."I'm running for Governor because we, the people, need someone who understands us..."we don't need another politician."  I will be proud to live, work and continue my commission in our local GOP movement with Mark Robinson as our next Governor of the beautiful state of North Carolina!
Hal Weatherman
for Lt Governor 2024

At our Burke County, NC county convention on March 9, 2023, we had the pleasure of hearing from Hal Weatherman who is running for Lt. Governor in 2024. He was very clear to state that his mission was not to run "against" our current Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson, but rather to be our "next" Lt. Governor and laid out his plans in hoping to partner with Mark Robinson in establishing and improving our great state of North Carolina! His visions for our state seem quite targeted and clear. One goal he expressed was to reach out to the unemployed, underemployed and those denied access to the American Dream by shifting those willing into a passionate desire for entrepreneurship and trade work. He is strong on agriculture and believes this is the number one industry in our state and that "...we have a God given geographic advantage and opportunity to feed the world" and by investing in agriculture, we can achieve unprecedented success in this area. He is admirable in his faith and is extremely passionate about his love for God, his family and his call to serve others. North Carolina needs a Lt. Governor like Hal Weatherman to work beside our next Governor, Mark Robinson. You can be sure this team will make every North Carolinian proud!
Copyrighted  © 2017 -2022
Contact Dana
Email:  dana@burkecountyvoice.com
Contact Stosh
Email:  burkecountyvoice2@gmail.com

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Phone:  828-604-4998
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